No more pretending, winter is upon us here on our mountain. The leaves are long gone except for the pale brown, somehow skeletal remains that insist on clinging to the aspens this year. Sunny one day, snowing the next, frost, rain, snow/sun simultaneously, wind, balmy reprieves. The weather can't seem to make up it's mind and neither can I. Do I welcome it or dread it? Let's see if I can figure this out.
Things I like about winter:
The beauty of falling snow
The new angle of sunlight on trees and through windows
Feeding the beautiful birds that flock back to the yard
A warm fire burning merrily in the wood stove
The satisfying piles of firewood stacked in the yard
Hot cereal and baked oatmeal
Popcorn and old movies
Baking bread takes on a new level of delight
A sense of peace over spending time indoors doing things I enjoy
Knitting warm hats and scarves
Drinking hot tea
Wearing sweaters that had been banished for the summer
Playing in the snow with my dogs
The coziness of the rabbit barn under a blanket of snow
Driving on snow in the moonlight with no headlights on
Slow cooked stews and soups scenting the whole house
Baking cookies and yummy smelling treats
Listening to Christmas music (I start early and go late)
Lots of soft mood lighting and a good book in the evening
Being reminded of many happy, wintry days as a child
Thanksgiving and Christmas and all the traditions
Things about Winter I could do without:
The wind that blows fiercely and endlessly through the mountain pass
Bundling up 'til I feel like the Sta-Puff marshmallow man
Carrying wood from the pile into the house
The mess the wood makes on the living room floor
Icy roads
Cold hands
People stop coming to our house because of the weather and the roads
The much shorter daylight hours
Carrying water to the rabbit barn because the hose is shut off due to freezing
Days when I can't seem to get the wood stove going well
I may add to these lists later but on "paper" it looks like winter is still the winner even with my misgivings.
I'll keep that in mind.
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