Since we are getting such an accumulation, I made a list when I woke up of the things I would wish I had done if the power went off...
I filled many containers with water, did laundry, baked bread, located a propane tank, made sure the lamps have oil. I also spent time in the rabbit barn, fed the birds, shovelled the pathways to barn and car, and relocated the car to the bottom of the driveway. This is our first winter with the Subaru Outback. I got good studded winter tires a couple of weeks ago and was very pleased that I was able to back it down the driveway through 2 feet of snow. I didn't have full control as the car is light enough to stay on top of that much snow but the mission was accomplished.
Baking was good therapy this morning. I may bake something sweet this afternoon as further distraction (and comfort).
I love the aroma of the freshly milled kamut.

The Bosch does the hard part and kneads the dough to perfection

so that I end up with a wonderful, silky, elastic dough to make into whatever my heart desires.

Today I decided on a loaf of bread and a pizza crust for this evening. We love our homemade pizza around here.

I've also finished Kent's new winter hat. He picked out the pattern and was excited that it would provide good ear coverage. The technique is called Topflappen (gotta love the name) and is worked by adding one square at a time to the growing project. I used 100% wool by Lamb's Pride and it should be nice and toasty. I'm going to try to get a scarf done to go with for his birthday next week.
My pie pumpkin cooperated nicely as a model.
Later I hope to put together a little tribute to my buddy but it's still way too fresh and I'm serious about the crying. I already look like I've had a bad accident or something. After a decade of being together, I forgot what life was like without him. It's quiet. And less full.

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