Today is an event I've been anticipating for months - the fall Jefferson County Whale of a Book Sale. 10,000 or so library books for sale at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds. My first event was with Steph and I had no idea what I was in for. I had two shoulder-style shopping bags and $20 in my pocket. I hadn't imagined the scope of the event. They have a food concession, a hold area where you can leave piles of books and they'll box them up and keep them aside for you, you get a map of the layout with sections for each of the subjects/media, and the place is packed. I had thought that on the last day things would be pretty picked over but not so. Each library in the system boxes up books by type/subject and writes that on the outside of the box. These are stored under the tables and all around the room. So even if you showed up in the last five minutes, a new box might just be opened with fabulous finds inside.
This time I'm really prepared. I have my list of audio series I am always working to fill out so that I can keep track. Last time I ended up with some duplicates. I know that the over-the-shoulder shopping bags are a poor choice, A) because it's hard to squeeze around in the crowd with a full bag hanging from each shoulder and B) after a couple hours you are in pain. Today I'll go professional and take a small rolling suitcase that I can unload frequently at the hold tables. Kent has given me some key topics to watch for him, as well. Last time I found him 10-15 books on solar power, building and related topics. I figure with winter and sewing/knitting/quilting coming up, I will want to be well-stocked on audio books of all kinds. I am so excited! Did I mention that today is "bag day"? Yup, all the books I can stuff in a bag for $5. Yep, that's five and nothing. Single digit. I can afford to fill the back of my car!
Oh, the things I'll read!
Ah, yes, I also completed the first appliqued block for my little quilt project (minus the embroidered stems - haven't had a chance to select the floss yet). I'm pleased enough with the bird but the cherries look like they were starting to dry and wrinkle. I'll need more practice with the tiny circles.

And here's a photo I took last week when the computer was dead... It's a neighborhood gathering -- mountain style. I didn't want to get out of the car and get a better shot because this is rutting season and the elk can be very agressive. So why not have 20+ loiter in around your garage door? Sounds like a good excuse to stay inside. Or not come home yet.
1 comment:
Also look for titles related to gentle or natural parenting, or anything I could bring back for my Le Leche League library (that's the breastfeeding group I'm part of). Only the best of the best, though, as I will be carefully allotting weight for the return home :-)
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