Friday, October 30, 2009
A Little Birdy Told Me

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Snowed In
Since we are getting such an accumulation, I made a list when I woke up of the things I would wish I had done if the power went off...
I filled many containers with water, did laundry, baked bread, located a propane tank, made sure the lamps have oil. I also spent time in the rabbit barn, fed the birds, shovelled the pathways to barn and car, and relocated the car to the bottom of the driveway. This is our first winter with the Subaru Outback. I got good studded winter tires a couple of weeks ago and was very pleased that I was able to back it down the driveway through 2 feet of snow. I didn't have full control as the car is light enough to stay on top of that much snow but the mission was accomplished.

Sunday, October 25, 2009
It's a Whale of a Big Day
This time I'm really prepared. I have my list of audio series I am always working to fill out so that I can keep track. Last time I ended up with some duplicates. I know that the over-the-shoulder shopping bags are a poor choice, A) because it's hard to squeeze around in the crowd with a full bag hanging from each shoulder and B) after a couple hours you are in pain. Today I'll go professional and take a small rolling suitcase that I can unload frequently at the hold tables. Kent has given me some key topics to watch for him, as well. Last time I found him 10-15 books on solar power, building and related topics. I figure with winter and sewing/knitting/quilting coming up, I will want to be well-stocked on audio books of all kinds. I am so excited! Did I mention that today is "bag day"? Yup, all the books I can stuff in a bag for $5. Yep, that's five and nothing. Single digit. I can afford to fill the back of my car!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Can't Wait to Quilt
So this has been something I've long planned to do. I dabbled a little. I pieced a log cabin block once. I machine quilted/appliqued a wall hanging. Now I'm ready to try my hand at a planned "quilt" for the wall. I still don't have any skills but already my brain is filling up with ideas.
So, while I want to make a quilt like this:

I will start with a more basic design and work on my skills, first:
Now that I've posted these pictures here, I can see that they have a similar color palette. That's interesting. I don't know if hand-applique is really for me but I want to try it before I decide. I think that quilting could be a nice mix of handwork and machine sewing and that appeals to me very much. As does spending creative time which ends with something supremely useful. I like beautiful things that get to be useful, also. I'm also working on an idea of a quilt in memory of my grandmother. Here's my rough draft idea...
The letters could be machine appliqued (There are 49, I want to finish it in this lifetime) and the picture I imagine can be done with the inkjet transfer fabric I've seen for sale. I'd use fabric for the letters that resembles wood. It could be lots of fun and a great conversation piece. I'd also like to incorporate a piece that has a photo transfer of one of her hand-written score sheets, as well.
Lots of possibilities but first I'd better tend to the rabbits so that I can quilt without guilt.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Death and Fruit

Death, or "Dying to self" has often tripped me up. How much of myself do I die to? If I die to me, then what am I to be like. I can't possibly be Jesus-like. At least not without my physical death. I screw up way too much for that. If I'm not me, then who am I? I see a whole culture of evangelicals who are looking for rules and templates of who they should be, what they should do -- where are the lists? What are the parameters? And then I'm looking at the fruit of the Spirit.
You know, I can't grow that fruit. It's not in me. How am I supposed to have that fruit. I want that fruit. That fruit looks really good. But I'm completely incapable of producing it.
And then I get the good news - I can't grow that fruit. But I can die. And that fruit shows me what needs to die.
Galation 5:22-23
But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control, against such there is no law. 24 Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.
Kristine 10:14-09
But the fruit of the self is
love, hatred, jealousy,
joy, anger, depression,
peace, anxiety, worry,
longsuffering, impatience,
kindness, meanness,
goodness, cruelty,
faithfulness, faithlessness,
meekness, pride,
self-control, self-indulgence;
Which are sin.
God made me unique with my own humor, intellect, expression, learning styles, etc. That isn't what needs died to. I die to my right to be angry, jealous, impatient, etc. This is about my character, not my actions. I can't make myself feel joy, but if I willingly relinquish my right to my anger, then God can put His joy in me. If I give up my right to impatience and my own schedule of how I think things should play out, then God can give me His patience.
Now, all I have to do is remember this every 2 seconds because that's about how often I have a selfish thought or motivation. Then die to that self and let God grow my character.

And here's another thought that is percolating thought not quite distilled yet...
That also helps explain another dilemma I have had... how do I live in the kingdom when I'm stuck in this cesspool?
Thy kingdom come, they will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Each time I die to myself, let my Lord and Ruler give me His character, and live according to kingdom rules, then that kingdom comes to earth. So I think that kingdom living has something to do with abiding in the vine, dying to my selfish nature, letting God grow my character and then, no matter where I go, I'm kingdom living.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
A Lament

Sunday, October 11, 2009
A Fun Day with My Sister

Then we went to Costco and browsed their Christmas display. I picked out a telescope and building kit for Kathy, a science experiment lab for us to share, and a bunch of toys that Sam is too young for yet. We didn't actually buy anything, we just window shopped. And Kathy did buy "Turkish Delight" and shared it with me. We visited with a very personable young man working the seafood counter and he was a very good salesman, sending us away with the last of the Shrimp Cevich.
And most of all, I was happy to be spending the day with Kathy. We had fun and visited and did that sister thing. If only Karen could have been there.
It was a very good day.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Fabulous Frost

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
October in Colorado

Monday, October 5, 2009
Organizing my creative space
For my buttons still on their cards, some of which predate the 1940's, I decided to group them by color on a bulletin board. They are decorative and useful this way.
I had a shelf my father had made for me that I wanted to use in the room and after installing it, I had an inspiration to use lightweight chain and small dowels to create a thread holding system. It's simple, inexpensive, flexible and attractive. I even use it to hold my serger spools. Here it is:
I have the dresser my sisters and I shared as children and it has drawers that are perfectly suited to organizing sewing supplies, such as mending, bobbin trays, trims and bindings:
And milk crate sized wire racks work just right for most of my fabric stash, sorted by color and fabric type, folded into like dimensions, with a drape to prevent fading yet easy to get to when inspiration strikes:
And I don't want any comments about personality attributes or disorders.
I'm happy in my space.
Pretty Predictable
I can say that I did finish that dress, here's evidence:
I lay around for several days with what I suspected might have been swine, oops, I mean H1N1 flu.
I helped with a multi-day ministry event.
I helped my husband set up and market his art show.
I haven't, however, cultivated the habit of regular blogging. I'm not giving up, though. I am trying to be patient with myself as I find my new groove. I'm actually still filled with anticipation and excitement at all the possibilities that are ahead. Time to get projects done yet and still enjoy the peace of winter. Kent and I both look forward to some long winter days spent in our creative spaces. Unhurried by outdoor chores, gardens, and the call of the warmth and sun - we envision ourselves loading stoves with armfuls of wood and focusing on projects too long put off.
Dreams are such good things.