What algorythym suggests that since I liked Sense and Sensibility and One Night with The King,

that I would also be thrilled to watch Madea Goes to Jail, Full Metal Jacket, Saving God and Good Will Hunting?!?
Does. Not. Compute.
I'd bet my readers would have better movie suggestions than Netflix does. So throw me a bone here, is there a great movie you like, that isn't peppered with foul language, doesn't include gratutious sex scenes, is PG rated and worth 110 minutes of my life?
Okay, that's pretty funny. Sometimes I wonder . . .
I'm not a huge movie girl, but a few I do enjoy are The Great Race, The Princess Bride, and A Little Princess starring Amelia Shankley.
Hmm, I wonder if I can convince my four-year-old to watch a chick flick with me this afternoon instead of Curious George?
Princess Bride and The Little Princess are two of my favorites. I'm not familiar with the Amelia Shankley version - but Shirley Temple is adorable in the version I have. I'll have to see about The Great Race - I don't think I'm familiar with it. Thank you for the suggestions!
North and South.... best period film adaptation ever in my humble opinion, and I am a seriously serious period film adaptation kinda freaky girl. It's in four episodes, so you can stretch it out if you want/need to, but we (Amelia and I) were unable to refrain ourselves from watching the entire four hours in one evening. So yeah.. amazing♥
And I'm assuming you've watched the A&E production of Pride and Prejudice? That was always my hands down fave (until I watched North & South, that is.) Bleak House is also quite wonderful.
I wrote about Bleak House in this post here: http://tomatosoupcake.blogspot.com/2008/07/if-you-have-spare-465-minutes.html
My swoonings of North & South were recorded for posterity in this post here: http://tomatosoupcake.blogspot.com/2010/09/step-aside-mr-darcy.html
Actually, Diane, after you had swooned over North & South I got it from Netflix and watched it in two evenings. I very much enjoyed it. I'm not familiar with Bleak House, I'm going to go visit your post now. Hugs!
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