By this time I was getting really bad at taking photos. I only snapped two the whole time. I don't know why I managed to not get a single photo of Samuel. I tried to take one of a flock of wild turkeys in the yard but it came out looking like the inside of an unlit coal furnace at night. And the other? Something amazing? Something truly significant? Not really.
It's a cup of cocoa with a single marshmallow floating on top. But look at the size of the spongy, sugary goodness!

We so enjoyed finally getting to meet Amol. And Sam has grown so much, he was a baby when last we saw him in person and now he is a little boy. He wasn't too keen on me at first but he warmed up after a day or two and then we were golden. He has a delightful laugh and giggles when you tickle him. I'm quite enamored of my nephew, yup, I am. And best of all, we'll see them again in a little over a week when they come to Colorado for Christmas.
Some highlights were a visit at the home of some Amish friends, shopping at an Amish store, and a visit to a baker's heaven - Chupp's Country Cupboard. I brought home sweet popcorn glaze, exotic extracts, Bavarian Cream filling, and minute tapioca. I left behind sprinkles of every color, more flavorings, more fillings... Oh, I could have me a grand time baking if I lived there.
And this was also where we would again (temporarily) part ways with our daughter, Stephanie. Sigh. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed our time together. She's such a part of me and such a delightful person. I'm a proud mother.
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