And then on the other side, in the living room. So pretty!
And so are the decorations.

The Christmas tree was very attractive, even with decorations only on the top half - out of reach of little hands...

So everyone settled in to enjoy opening some gifts. Shannon sat with Tigger.

At first, Amol helped Samuel with the concept of opening gifts but he soon caught on.

I'm such a self-serving Auntie. I pick out things that I like to play with also so that we can play together. His mother probably wants to brain me. We got him blocks (read, lots of stuff to get underfoot) when we were in PA. Then we added these Duplo blocks with farm accessories, like livestock and truck parts. I'm very fond of toys that can be used a hundred different ways and encourage creativity. Hence the Play-Doh, as well.

Here's Kathy modeling the laundry apron I made her and the beautiful quilt she recieved from Val and Amol.

Valerie made me (and all the family members with computers) protective sleeves for our laptops! How groovy is that?

And look at this wonderful retro print she selected for mine. I looked at Val and said, I've got to get a picture of this for Diane...

And Shannon also got a wonderful quilt from Kathy!

I made Val a laundry apron, also. And it turns out that when you've got a toddler, it becomes an all day, every day apron to help you keep organized. She's a girl after my own heart.

Sam modeled my new gloves for the camera. He really has a thing for giant sized (to him) grown-up gloves and boots.

And I don't have a picture but I got a super groovy Griswold cast iron waffle iron from my sister. Now I'm having fantasies about making waffles on a wood cookstove with my new (old) waffle iron.
I really have felt so blessed to have family around. My nieces are very special to me and I've thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Amol and Sam. I have such a great family!