I can't believe where the year has gone. It's flown by and yet it seems like it's been years since I was heading to the office each day. And Kent and I have accomplished so much in the year that has passed. Things that we'd planned, hoped or dreamed of doing for many years. In part we've got more done because I've been home to help him on his four days off each week. In part I believe it's because I'm able to take care of so many day-to-day things and free him up to do bigger projects with his time. In part, perhaps it is because I am not at my wits end all the time and I can take better care of him and me so that we have the energy and freedom to do these things.
Whatever the case may be, it's been a year of adjustments and a year of blessing. I could not have predicted how it would play out but we've found a real groove and I so appreciate my husband for being a wonderful provider and for helping me when I floundered and needed direction. He has, as he always is, been a great encourager and nurturer.
I have to wonder what the coming year holds in store. We will keep listening for that still small voice, trusting in God's direction and provision. Perhaps we'll sell the house and move across country. I hope to see Kent have more time to work on a book project. I hope to make some crafts for selling at local events and perhaps online. And there's that Family Herbalist course I plan to take. And Kent has ideas of things he'd like to build and he has sculptures he could cast. We are looking more diligently after our health and, between the two of us, hope to shed significant weight in the next 6-12 months. So much possibility. So much uncertainty. It's quite the journey!
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