As we worked and I smelled the smoker going, I got the urge to make bagels. I've never made bagels before but we had cream cheese, would soon have salmon and I had no bagels in the house. I'd found a recipe in my mother's handwriting a week or more ago when bagels had also been on my mind. Tonight I dove in after dinner and had a lot of fun trying something new. Here are my little dough bagels on their second rise. It was slightly challenging to poke my finger through the center and shape them. They aren't exactly balanced but they'll do.

Then comes the boiling. I put four of them in the pot and considered whether I could fit a fifth.

Here they are after 7 minutes. I think it's a good thing I only put four in the pot.

I decided to make them "special" so I did six as onion/sesame seed bagels

And six as cinnamon bagels. They look pretty tasty already.

Ooh, ready for salmon and cream cheese! I know what I'm having for breakfast.

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