Mindie and I visited and worked at bagging Costco-sized cheese and large packages of meat into small packages for the freezer. Kent finished up his list of things around the house that he wanted to check or do before we left. Kent decided to give Stephanie a break after a couple hours of mowing. As he finished the last of the yard, we ladies cleaned up the house.
Just after Kent finished the mowing at 12:30pm (~ 3 hours and 1.5 tanks of gasoline), Lea Ann arrived for a visit. So good to see her and so nice that she and Mindie overlapped to see each other also. It was like old home days. Mindie left in time to go home for a short nap before working third shift and with much assurance that Stephanie could call on her for anything at all. I found it very reassuring and I so appreciate that she is someone I know I can count on.
Lea Ann stayed on for dinner and Steph did all the cooking. It was delicious. We really enjoyed the fresh produce while we were in PA. We had fresh green beans, corn on the cob, sliced tomatoes and chicken sautéed with mushrooms, onions, and sweet pepper. A summertime feast! While the visiting continued, we moved to the back deck to watch for Bitty Bat, as it has been named, to emerge from his sleeping spot next to the back door. We were also treated to a praying mantis and a tree frog that peered down at us from the edge of the roof over the mudroom. We ate ice cream, watched fireflies and listened to crickets and peep frogs. It was very peaceful. We were so glad to have Lea Ann with us for the evening. We have the nicest friends!
Before we got too tired, Kent and I gathered up our things and prepared for our departure in the morning. Stephanie baked fresh zucchini bread and we looked forward to the loaf she was sending on the road with us. I hated to go to bed knowing that when I woke up it would be a very short time until I was on my way and would have to say goodbye.
This puts the size of the yard in perspective. Stephanie actually did at least 1/2 of the mowing that day but I didn't get a pick of her...

These were some of our evening visitors...

1 comment:
I tried to leave a comment on your newest post, but kept getting an error message:-{
I just spent a very pleasant half hour catching up on all your doings, your travels and adventures... I can only imagine how you felt when you drove away. I know I dread the day when my girls and I are separated by a long distance. I know it will come and probably sooner rather than later. I'm just savoring each day until then ~☺~
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