This huge old tractor got Kent's attention right away.

And here is me next to my someday stove, the Pioneer Princess.

Monday, August 9th - Got up early and got our start for Lehman’s. Much shorter trip (~2.5 hours) to go direct utilizing lesser routes and back roads. While it was interesting, it has certainly changed in the decade and a half since my first visit. It’s become quite touristy. I did pick up a pie bird, some Tattler reusable canning lids and a cookbook I’ve wanted for some time, More with Less. Also stopped in a quilt shop and got two fat quarters as reminders of our trip to PA later this winter when I’m sewing.
On the way home we passed (for the fourth time) P. Graham Dunn. We had no idea what it was but it was two enormous buildings and when Kent saw “factory tours” painted on the side, he made a beeline. What a great stop! P. Graham Dunn is a family owned woodworking factory and showroom. Chances are if you’ve been in a Christian book/gift store you’ve seen something they’ve made. The facility was beautiful and the store is on the second floor with big windows overlooking the various processes going on below. Wood cutting/carving is their specialty, done with CAD and lasers. Have you ever seen Amazing Grace (the page from the hymnal) carved in wood and spanning 8x12 feet? Pretty amazing. There were items from massive to small and everything in between. We got two as our anniversary presents to display in our home.
Mindie was driving down from a show in Buffalo to visit so we finished our tour and purchase and headed home. She found us, finally, using back roads that she reports are unmarked. Kent decided to take a much deserved nap while the ladies headed out to finish Stephanie’s cupboard stocking. We hit Aldi’s for as much of the list as they had that we wanted and then went to Walmart to do the final sweep up. Now my mom’s heart could rest easier knowing that she’s got full cupboards while she’s looking for work. We were getting tired and so, with foresight, bought pizzas to take home and bake. We worked together and got groceries put away in time for dinner. It was so good to see Mindie. And to know that Steph has a stand in for mom while I’m far away. Mindie came prepared to stay the night so we didn’t have to say goodbye just yet.
Kent in his plaid shirt and suspenders looks very much at home next to the tractor and walking up to Lehman's. :-)
Thanks for posting all of this!
More excited than ever to get 'home'...
...and to get a TON of raised beds full of vegetables and fruits going!!!!!!!! :-)
Thanks for stopping in at our shop! Despite residing in some of the largest buildings in Wayne County, we are still just getting our family business known. We appreciate the time you took to write about us. Thank you!
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