Friday, August 6th – As tired as we were, we were awake at 4:00am and up at 5:30. Kent fixed the shower head and I found the curtain. We made a veggie and cheese omelette, toast and OJ and ate at the makeshift kitchen table. We’d found the top and had it propped on boxes. John Principe arrived at 9:00 am and helped finish unloading the truck, including all the heavy furniture. We were so happy to see him and to have his help unloading was just the greatest treat for us. We all loaded up to return the truck and then went out to lunch. Then we hit Home Depot for plumbing parts, toilet parts, hoe and shovel, trash cans, smoke detectors, fire extinguisher, nightlights, clothesline and pins, fly swatter and strips, kitchen towel racks, buckets with lids, pantry shelf. We stopped at a number of places and looked at riding mowers and weed trimmers. Then on to an appointment with the real estate agent we’d been keeping in touch with. And home again. John walked the property looking for berries and then went to meet up with his parents to show them the way here. Kent laid down for a nap. Steph rearranged and cleaned up the living room and eat-in area of the kitchen while I worked on unpacking kitchen boxes and made dinner. There were six of us for roasted herbed chicken breast, pasta with fresh local veggies, corn on the cob and slabs of ripe tomato. After dinner we spent time on the deck visiting, tossing stick for the dog and watching fireflies. Then we fixed ice cream sundaes for our dessert. Sharon, Richard and John left around 10:00 pm. We three watched a movie together and then slept soundly. Today on the property we saw: toad, small bat, elderberries, blackberries, Echinacea, woodchucks, and electric fencing. There’s not much auto traffic on this road but Amish buggies rumble by several times a day and the occupants usually smile and wave.
Valerie - here's some pictures of your beautiful home awaiting you in PA
What an inviting front porch!

With a lovely flower garden

The back deck has lots of Black-eyed Susans that are just beautiful

Here's the view from the South side of the property toward the house to the North. The greenery in between is a large lilac shrub and a small maple tree - beauty for spring and fall!

This was a pretty flower I didn't recognize from the flower beds in front of the house.

I'm not sure but this reminds me of Sweet William. Perhaps it's related?

A profusion of white violas

This is the South border of the yard, to the right of the house as you face it. This is where the elderberries and blackberries are found.

Lots of pansies and violas in the front flower bed

There's some pretty landscaping around the trees in the side yard...

And several clumps of hostas in the front gardens

I really fell in love with this echinacea on the North side of the yard

And this appears to be a clump of aspens on the back side of the property. A taste of Colorado

More of those extravagant Black Eyed Susans

Even though they have been neglected, the apple trees are still doing their best to produce. Is there anything much more cheerful than the site of fruit hanging on a tree?

And here's a shot of that expansive back yard as viewed from the deck!