Woke up to a pretty, snowy day. It is also pretty snowy. Even though it's quite chill out, it called to me and my dog, Bear.

We walked to our mailbox. Roundtrip takes about 30 minutes if we don't shortcut through the woods. It really is beautiful out. Bear kept trying to go offroad to sniff things but then he would plunge into the ditch filled with snow up to his belly and have to work hard to get back out. He gave up after only a half dozen times of that...

It was overcast and then we had a spell of sun, while we were taking our walk, no less. Here is the sun trying hard to punch through the clouds...

Ah! Success.

Too bad that this beautiful day was preceded by a very difficult evening of treacherous roads. Kent was rear-ended on I-70 as he drove from work to church to meet me. I was getting concerned because he was so late. Turns out that traffic had been reduced to one lane due to a tractor-trailer sideways on the interstate. As Kent sat in the non-moving traffic, an SUV who's driver wasn't paying attention plowed into the back of him. It was a hard enough hit that it sent his Stetson into the back of the Jeep. That's a pretty hard hit considering he wears that hat in high winds and it doesn't come off. The back of the Jeep is smashed in and the bikerack is a loss. Tomorrow I can start calling insurance companies and garages. I hope that Kent is right that he wasn't injured. I know whiplash can take some time to manifest.
This is still my Father's world.
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