I wanted to share the loveliness of aspens from my walk a couple of days ago. If you want to fully appreciate aspen groves, you really need to look up, look down, look all around - then get up close and personal. When you are so often surrounded by the impenetrable green of coniferous trees, you really appreciate the aspens with their slim trunks, high branches, and grassy undergrowth. And there is a bit of charm in the way they only grow in groupings. You don't find a lone aspen. They like their own company best.

And with our unreal clear blue skies, even stripped of foliage they make a striking appearance.
And they wear their hearts on their sleeves. Or trunks. You can see every insult they have suffered, each abrasion and trial. Their trunks always tell a story.

Have you told your story lately?
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