Wow, I feel so much busier than I did when I worked. Still, sometimes the days just fly by and it makes my head spin... In addition to the usual chores and household stuff, I had to look back through my week to figure out what I'd done with myself.
Saturday, Oct 31 - Drove to Denver and spent the day with Stephanie. We ran errands, went to the last of the local farmer's markets, visited, watched a movie at her place and then I raced home to get Kent's dinner ready.
Sunday, Nov 1 - Drove to Evergreen to spend the day with Kathy. We also made a trip to the Golden Quilt Company so that she could buy supplies for her new project. Hurried home to get Kent's dinner ready.
Monday, Nov 2 - Cleaned house, washed and hung six loads of laundry, rotated pantry
Tuesday, Nov 3 - Kent was home! Yay! Had a slow morning together. I made a week's supply of food for Bear, repackaged and labeled my BePrepared order into vacuum sealed canning jars, helped a little bit with wood.
Wednesday, Nov 4 - Dentist appt in the morning; down to Golden Quilt Company to get some assistance from their handwork person; visited the Colorado Quilt Museum while I was in Golden; stopped at Home Depot for wood for my canning jar shelf project
Thursday, Nov 5 - Kent's birthday, took a load of wood to friends, out to dinner, ran Denver errands while we were down the hill (Joann's, Harbor Freight, Costco)
Friday, Nov 6 - Stephanie came to the house, spent the day cooking for Kent's birthday dinner - Turkey dinner with the trimmings; spent the evening cleaning up. In addition to Kent, me and Steph - Kathy, Ken and Perla come to dinner.
Saturday, Nov 7 - "Homemade for the Holidays" at our church - Kathy, Steph and I hosted a pizzelle making station. It was a fun but long day. Home in time for Kent's dinner and then I crashed big time. We both went to bed at 7:30pm. It felt more like midnight.
I realize that there was just too much running around last week. While it's great to see folks, sometimes I have to say no and just take care of home. I'm looking forward to a slower week.
Since I'd gone to bed so early, the other side of that coin is that I was also up for the day at 3:30 this morning. I've got the chores done and now look forward to a slow day of Bible study and contemplation. Maybe I'll actually get caught up with my Precepts class. I've come to the conclusion that living deliberately and frugally takes constant diligence. Nothing about our society encourages either.
I hope you have a great Sabbath, too!