Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Great Pumpkin

flavor of homegrown squash.

It turns out that our cellar is far warmer than I had anticipated and our squash are not wanting to hold as well as I'd like. The pumpkin are the most vulnerable to spoilage and after losing several, I determined it was time to process them.

I started by cutting the pumpkins in half and seeding them, then I cut them into wedges for roasting.

Once they were roasted until fork-tender, I let them cool and then scraped them from their skins. I processed the flesh in my food processor.

The result was lovely pumpkin puree to put the nicest organic store-bought to shame. Not only does it make a tasty pumpkin pie... it's amazing in a smoothie!

Oh! And I can't forget one of my favorite parts! Those pumpkin scraping contain a special treat... Pumpkin Seeds. Soaked in salted water, drained and roasted - they are a particular favorite of mine.

I don't believe I will ever cease to be delighted with the bounty God provides from our garden.

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