Tuesday, July 26, 2011

In which we mark time without employing a calendar

Here on the homestead we frequently find ourselves judging the time by the sun and the passing of time by the changes around us. For example, there were the wild strawberries, which faded at about the time the black raspberries began to come into their own. As you know if you've been reading along, we've enjoyed the black raspberries immensely. But now they, too have faded and we are moving into a new berry season...

Aahh. Sweet blackberries. I so enjoy the process of picking berries. I like that this is food growing wild on our land. There for the taking, by us, the birds or other critters. I really enjoy the peaceful activity of carefully plucking the berries so that they don't squash. Finding hidden branches heavy with beautiful berries. The soft plunk of them as you drop them in the bowl or basket. The way the brambles bounce and settle themselves a little higher - a little lighter - with each berry I remove.

And most of all, I love to eat them!

But I'll try and save a few for jam and cobbler fillings.

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