Mother's Day was one week after we'd touched down at our new house. Mindie came to visit and spent Saturday night with us. On Sunday Mindie, Steph, Kent and I took to the field and woods to explore what was happening on the property. It was a beautiful day and so much fun for us to see the riches of nature on our new land.
Here's our cherry tree ablooming. it was gorgeous and smelled wonderful! I say was because it is now covered in leaves and CHERRIES! Woohoo! There's a lot of fruit set on this baby. I've got to watch it close and figure out how to get to them when they are ripe ahead of the birds. I'm pretty sure some sort of netting will need to be involved.

Here's Kent checking out one of the apple trees. They, too, were just beautiful and the beauty passed too quickly for my tastes. But now they are set with apples and so there will be some consolation come fall. The bees were plentiful during the blooming and you couldn't miss them for all the noise they made.

If you look closely, you can spot at least one fish in this picture. There are lots of little fish in the creek and some crawfish, too. We also see lots of animal tracks where they come to the creek to drink and perhaps the raccoons are fishing as well.

There are several places where the May Apples are plentiful on the property and they are blooming, too. Very pretty blossoms that, come late August, early September, will have turned into May Apple fruits that I can harvest for making jelly. A real treat!

This huge bush is right outside my kitchen and it started with what looked to be small berries. These turned into tiny, tight little buds that made me think of roses. And then they opened up and the entire bush was ablaze in coral red blossoms. At that point I don't even know if the leaves had come on much because you really didn't notice anything except the blossoms. I've only seen two others in the area during our drives around the countryside. I'd love to know what it is. Write and let me know if you do.

And this is me by the cherry tree for perspective. It was a great day filled with conversation and exploration. Very possibly the best Mother's Day I've ever had.

We've been busy from sun-up to sundown around here and while I've been taking pictures from time to time, I haven't taken time to post them. I'll try and do a little catching up here on our day off. I've really learned to look forward to Sunday and the day of rest that it is.
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