You see, I know I'm getting visitors that aren't just family. I got curious about a month ago and started noting where folks were visiting from. In the last month I've had people from 8 countries, 35 states, and over 100 cities visit my blog. I'd love to meet ya'll. And then I thought that profound thought - I could give away a laundry detergent kit if folks would introduce themselves. That way I'd get to meet some nice people and encourage someone to try the laundry recipe. In fact, I could give away THREE kits! Yes, That's it! The idea really got rolling... so here's the scoop:
I will give away three Laundry Detergent Kits including borax, washing soda, pre-grated Fels Naptha, a printed recipe and wooden spoon. And one lucky winner will also receive a vial of lavendar essential oil.
You will leave me a comment saying that you wish to be in the random drawing for the prizes, tell me your name (just first is OK), and if you feel real kind, throw me a bone of info about you and what you like. I wasn't kidding about the bonus points - tell me the source of the profound brain-thing line and you'll be entered an extra time. Sign on as a follower of this blog and you'll also get another entry in the drawing.
Since this isn't necessarily a high traffic blog, I will run the giveaway for two weeks and in two weeks, on October 31st, I will have a third party draw the three winning names. And then draw the essential oil winner from those three names. Sound like fun? I hope so!
* I'm sorry but I cannot include international shipping so this will be limited to US and Canadian residents, only.
I would LOVE this set. I am planning on starting to make my own, and what a way to start FREE! Thanks and I love your blog.
What a fun idea. I've tried the surface cleaner from one of Steph's books and would love to try the laundry detergent - so much so that I'll even go for the bonus points and identify the profound brain-thing as a line by Julian in Madagascar.
Hey, Kristine! I'm already a follower of your blog, and an old friend from your past! I would love to win a set. Yvonne
Hello! I found your blog the other day, and became a follower today! King Julian is the source of the phrase, and I LOVE the snow in your photos! I think it would be awesome to win a set. Your blog is the first I have ever followed!!! Thanks!
The Cochran Zoo - it would be the perfect way to get started. You can make up 2 gallons of detergent with the kit. That should be plenty to decide if you like it or not. :-)
Ssimm1rg - Correct! You get the bonus entry. What's the surface cleaner you are using?
Yvonne? You're going to make me guess, aren't you? Well I've always thought Yvonne was such a lovely name and yet I've only known a couple. Is this my friend from high school? I'll give you the extra entry - I forget there are private followers that I may never know about.
Debra - Thank you for the honor and I'm glad to meet you. You get THREE entries for your correct identification of the quote and being a follower. BTW, It's snowing right now. I just came home from a library event and there's fresh snow everywhere. It certainly comes early here.
Yay! Free laundry soap kit! That would be great, especially because I am out of the home-made kind and don't know where to buy the ingredients yet! I love your blog!
OOooooooo....... enter me! Pleeze! Kristine, this looks just so nifty. I have wanted to start making my own cleaning things and just haven't had the gumption to move on it. This'd be just the thing. Oh yeah.
And I'm Diane. You already know who I am and what I like♥
What a great idea! I used to make laundry soap but fell off the bandwagon (if there is such a thing as a laundry-soap-making-bandwagon) last year when my daughter was born.
This is my first visit here but I'll certainly be back. I don't like to give away my name and location online, but I will say that I'm a homemaker and a mom of two and I love reading, cooking, genealogy, and classical music.
Hi! Please enter me! I have been thinking I need to start doing this.
I just found your blog today after seeing your comment on another blog and noting that you had on a cover in your photo. I cover as well, so it piqued my interest.
I followed as well, but did not know who should get credit for the comment until I read everyone else's answers. So I can't take credit for that. Look forward to reading here!
Stephanie - I've got you down for two entries.
Diane - I'd love for you to win one of these!
Mrs. Mordecai - Nice to meet you! I've put two entries in for you. I visited your blog and really enjoyed it. I'm following you now. :-)
Sonia - so nice to meet you, too! I've got you down for two entries. And your blogs sound very interesting though I couldn't visit them.
Gosh - I'm hoping everyone wins... I wish I had more to give away. I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to enter the giveaway.
My name is Valerie.
I live in Pennsylvania. I've had a pretty interesting life up till now but have a feeling this next phase is going to be the most interesting yet...
I like dogs and goats and chickens and hope to have a few of each.
I have one incredible son with a very cool husband.
I live with my cousin who is more like my sister and her mom is my aunt but she's also more like my sister. My mom rocks, but, um, yeah - some times she's also like my sister.
What can I say? I just come from a fabulous family where relationships and love come before all else and where God's grace is apparent every single day.
Oh yeah, and my mom and aunt make their own laundry detergent and I'd love to learn, too!
Do I get two entries since I was already a follower?
Yes, Valerie, you will get two entries. You're going to hate this next piece of advice, but IF you win... you'll want to buy two large tubs of ice cream (1 gallon each) and eat them up so that you have good containers for putting your soap in. ;-)
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