A lovely stone wall with two doors. The top one is made of steel with a decorative touch and fancy handle

And on the bottom is a very attractive rustic wooden door. I love how he did it and the handle.

You may be asking, "What's behind Door #1 and Door #2?" Well, behind the steel door you have your basic indoor grill! Who knew? Kent used parts from a couple of older grills to plumb and "knob" the workings. The rack has several positions to choose from, and unbeknownst to me, this cubby had a chimney all its own - making it a real working grill! I didn't photograph behind Door #2 but it is the place where you would place your propane tank to run the grill. (Ok, right now I've got a big tub of dog food slid in there. In a house this size you learn to multi-task your space.)

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