Here's a nest of New Zealand's. They've gotten big enough at this point to be uncovered since they've got their own fur going. They are just the ugliest-cute things when they are born. They are just little naked pinky things with mouse ears.

It's not easy to wrangle a baby bunny and take the photo. They wiggle a lot. Here I'm using my body to help block this little guy from squirming completely free of my hand. (Oh - Those tubs with the green lids in the background are the worm farm.)

And here's a relatively calm one sitting in Kent's hand.

The cutest little profile. But yeah, we're gonna end up eating them.

The thing is, we'll know that they were well cared-for and treated humanely. Then we'll also truly appreciate the sacrifice for our meal. And we'll also know that our food is safe and natural. Until we have a consensus on becoming vegetarians (yeah, right), we will at least attempt to apply the greatest integrity and sustainability possible to our food sources.

And here's a relatively calm one sitting in Kent's hand.

The cutest little profile. But yeah, we're gonna end up eating them.

The thing is, we'll know that they were well cared-for and treated humanely. Then we'll also truly appreciate the sacrifice for our meal. And we'll also know that our food is safe and natural. Until we have a consensus on becoming vegetarians (yeah, right), we will at least attempt to apply the greatest integrity and sustainability possible to our food sources.
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