Well, my birthday was last week, the 10th, and it was a wonderful day. I got spoiled by Kent and Kathy and basically did nothing on Thursday. So why didn't I blog about it sooner? Probaby because I really don't like pics of myself and my birthday present has occupied my free moments.
Here we have a very pretty cake and Kent was being funny. Or safe. Perhaps 47 candles would have been a hazard. In any event, he 'numbered out' 37 to be sweet.

And there was fire. And singing. All very festive.

And the new family tradition, started by Steph on Val's BD and Val on Steph's BD... Birthday cake for Breakfast!! Yeah!! It doesn't get much more decadent or indulgent than that!

And I got my most hoped for gift. Something that just over a month earlier I would have said did not interest me. However, after ending up in Florida without reading material (well, I had a book but I'd already consumed it on the flight) and my niece loaning me her KINDLE for a couple weeks... I was totally sold! And Kent got me my very own. I was so tickled!!

Here it is, later that day, already loaded up with 80 books. All for free. Classic titles that will keep me in good reading for a long time. And Kathy got me a gift card so I could find some books to buy, as well!

And he even got me the superbly designed leather protective cover with build in reading light. I am one spoiled, spoiled girl!

So what did I have on my Kindle by that night without spending a penny?
An Old-Fashioned Girl - Alcott, Louisa May
Little Women - Alcott, Louisa May
Every Word - Amazon Digital Services
Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen - Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
On Prayer and The Contemplative Life - Aquinas, Saint Thomas
Emma - Austen, Jane
Persuasion - Austen, Jane
Pride and Prejudice - Austen, Jane
Sense and Sensibility - Austen, Jane
The Velveteen Rabbit - Bianco, Margery Williams
Jane Eyre - Brontë, Charlotte
The Pilgrim's Progress from this world to that which is to come, delivered under the similitude of a dream, by John Bunyan - Bunyan, John
A Little Princess; being the whole story of Sara Crewe now told for the first time - Burnett, Frances Hodgson
The Secret Garden - Burnett, Frances Hodgson
The Land That Time Forgot - Burroughs, Edgar Rice
The Lost Continent - Burroughs, Edgar Rice
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Carroll, Lewis
The Man Who Knew Too Much - Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith)
The American Frugal Housewife - Child, Lydia Maria Francis
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
The Last of the Mohicans; A narrative of 1757 - Cooper, James Fenimore
The Holy Bible English Standard Version (ESV) - Crossway Bibles
The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (1808) - Defoe, Daniel
A Tale of Two Cities - Dickens, Charles
Great Expectations - Dickens, Charles
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
The Count of Monte Cristo - Dumas père, Alexandre
The Man in the Iron Mask - Dumas père, Alexandre
Middlemarch - Eliot, George
Silas Marner - Eliot, George
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure - Fernie, William Thomas
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin - Franklin, Benjamin
The Wind in the Willows - Grahame, Kenneth
Grimm's Fairy Stories - Grimm, Jacob, Grimm, Wilhelm
Games for Everybody - Hofmann, May C.
Homestead on the Hillside - Holmes, Mary Jane
Les Misérables - Hugo, Victor
Riven - Jenkins, Jerry B.
Best Little Stories from the Civil War: More than 100 true stories - Kelly, C. Brian
The Life of Abraham Lincoln - Ketcham, Henry
Gray Matter - Kilpatrick, Joel, Levy,David
The Jungle Book - Kipling, Rudyard
Whisper on the Wind - Lang, Maureen
The Secret (Seasons of Grace, Book 1) - Lewis, Beverly
The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806 - Lewis, Meriwether, Clark, William
White Fang - London, Jack
Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know - Mabie, Hamilton Wright
Somewhere to Belong - Miller, Judith
She Walks in Beauty - Mitchell, Siri
Healing For a Broken World: Christian Perspective on Public Policy - Monsma, Steve
Utopia - Moore, Sir Saint Thomas
Daughter of Joy (Brides of Culdee Creek, Book 1) - Morgan, Kathleen
The Master's Indwelling - Murray, Andrew
The Scarlet Pimpernel - Orczy, Baroness Emmuska
Common Sense - Paine, Thomas
The Oregon Trail: sketches of prairie and Rocky-Mountain life - Parkman, Francis
Hide in Plain Sight - Perry, Marta
The Raven - Poe, Edgar Allan
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 1 - Poe, Edgar Allan
Pollyanna - Porter, Eleanor H. (Hodgman)
Home Vegetable Gardening a Complete and Practical Guide to the Planting and Care of All Vegetables, Fruits and Berries Worth Growing for Home Use - Rockwell, F. P.
Ivanhoe - Scott, Sir Walter
Treasure Island - Stevenson, Robert Louis
Letters of a Woman Homesteader - Stewart, Elinore Pruitt
Dracula - Stoker, Bram
Uncle Tom's Cabin - Stowe, Harriet Beecher
A Girl of the Limberlost - Stratton-Porter, Gene
Freckles - Stratton-Porter, Gene
A Modest Proposal - Swift, Jonathan
Gulliver's Travels - Swift, Jonathan
Walking - Thoreau, Henry David
Democracy in America - Volume 1 - Tocqueville, Alexis de
Democracy in America - Volume 2 - Tocqueville, Alexis de
Life on the Mississippi - Twain, Mark
The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson - Twain, Mark
The Invisible Man - Wells, H. G. (Herbert George)
The Time Machine - Wells, H. G. (Herbert George)
The Age of Innocence - Wharton, Edith
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm - Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Wilde, Oscar
Craving God: A 21-Day Devotional Challenge - Zondervan
Ah. Huge. Contented. Sigh. I love books.